BBoying is my passion and another outlet to express my soul. I been getting down since i was 12 and still till this day rocken on my off times. Especially here in Seattle Washington ,where Bboyin is very much alive and and fresh.These cats out here are taking their dance form to the next level. It feels good to see bboying come this far as well as myself physically to join in the circle of fire.
I Recently joined a crew called Soulshifters, originally known as Circle of Fire. Cyphering with these cats such as , Bboy Free,Orb,Balance and Lateef. Its been a great honor to be getting down with these guys who have been puttin it down style wise and coming forth with the neo BBoy flava combining all types of dance and movements unified to express the truest expression.
Without Bboying,Graff writting or Mcing and creating beats as well as capoeira. I would never realize my full potential as an artist. Fully imersing myself in the artform.
Who would have thought that hip hop would have taken this far.
And for those who dont know me personally. This is who I am fulltime. Theres never a day off. If im not writting, im riding and if im not riding im moving, flowing to the next session. A healthy obsession i would say.
See u in the dance floor!
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