Ego is represented by the character on the bottom. above him is a Kingly character the Leo Knoted in his dreadz are wisdiome over the yearz of cultivation through time. His locks hang down over the ego because the ego is trapped in a state of fear and insecurity projecting heat and filled with that negative red charge the fire n the flame he has not mastered yet. But the Lion sits above his head crowning the ego with knowledge from the ancestors. He is granted a way up through this connection. a level of knowing and self mastery.
Level 2: Wisdome
is the keeper of knowledge and truth he is rocking a Filter crown resembling a gas mask, which he uses daily to work through the harmful toxic fumes and disease that he is surrounded with. He has earned this skill of filtering bad vibes spells and poison,so thus he is crowned King. King of his domain and space. He is raptured by the sound coming from the divine teacher of conscious hi self musical mantras resonating through him to keep him elevated above the hate and negativity of the knownotz....Everyday he does battle
Recognize the higher selves up above him. The silent knowers that sight the mysteries and over stands the temporary states of self suffering. He is pure awareness
And above them, perched up high above the any noise and confusion free from illusions, the
Ancient watcher KAHU! a word for hawk the guardian that has foresight 360 degrees and is a multidimensional seer. what he perceives cannot be understood by the lower realmz.
So he sits alone in his solitude protected from predators simply by his freedom and strength through his power of flight
The light spectrum is a bridge to transcendental places hidden even from the others who roam the same skies. The doorway through is within.. kept secret from most
this is a revelation to his soul. Thus he is able to travel in n out of time locks
Light communicates through frequencies
This is ToTEMON
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